Hacker News
- Vonnegut Reviews Heinlein's “Stranger in a Strange Land” https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/97/09/28/lifetimes/vonnegut-stranger_heinlein.html 35 comments
- Stranger in a Strange Land: “Big Data” programmer meets HPC community http://www.machinedlearnings.com/2014/02/stranger-in-strange-land.html 34 comments
- Stranger in a Strange Land http://www.machinedlearnings.com/2014/02/stranger-in-strange-land.html 4 comments distributed
- [Forbes] Strangers In A Strange Land Best Describes The Chargers’ LA Experience https://www.forbes.com/sites/jayparis/2019/10/07/strangers-in-a-strange-land-best-describes-the-chargers-la-experience/ 31 comments nfl
- 100 Days of Fantasy, Day 41: Stranger in a Strange Land http://authspot.com/novels/100-days-of-fantasy-day-41-stranger-in-a-strange-land/ 3 comments books
- In Official Washington, Chasten Buttigieg is a stranger in a (very) strange land https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/chasten-buttigieg-pete-buttigieg-washington/2021/07/23/e10fd616-e388-11eb-b722-89ea0dde7771_story.html 5 comments politics
- Just finished "Stranger in a Strange Land" (SPOILERS) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stranger_in_a_strange_land 57 comments books
- The American people are now truly strangers in a strange land: Donald Trump’s White House is the Kremlin on the Potomac http://www.salon.com/2017/04/15/the-american-people-are-now-truly-strangers-in-a-strange-land-donald-trumps-white-house-is-the-kremlin-on-the-potomac/ 153 comments politics
- Does anybody else think the "Fair Witness" in Stranger in a Strange Land is one of the most brilliant fictional professions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stranger_in_a_Strange_Land 18 comments books
- Stranger In A Strange Land... is this book good? (Some info: Just got this book and was wondering, is it as good as the publicity around it says?) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stranger_in_a_Strange_Land 29 comments books
- Kurt Vonnegit Jr. on Robert Heinlein on the release of the unabridged version of Stranger in a Strange Land. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9c0ce1d9143cf93aa35751c1a966958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=print 5 comments reddit.com
- Rebound (2006) - Thousands of college basketball players don’t make it to the NBA. This documentary follows two players who signed with a Chilean team and explores the unglamorous grind of being strangers in a strange land. [01:22:57] https://youtu.be/AZeJ3oB8pZE 9 comments documentaries
- Has anyone else noticed the similarities between Valentine Michael Smith the protagonist in Stranger in a Strange Land and Charles Manson? [Spoilers] http://apliteraturehp.wikispaces.com/Robert+Heinlein 8 comments books