- "I didn’t think it was going to stop" — 3 dead, 11 wounded in South Street mass shooting https://www.inquirer.com/news/south-street-shootings-philadelphia-police-three-dead-20220605.html 63 comments politics
- Bring back Baxter - the Geico announcer who dared ask "what are you going to do when someone actually shoots someone" and got fired for it. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/right-now/2010/04/geico_voice_actor_fired_after.html?1 32 comments reddit.com
- Telecom tariffs to go up as spectrum price shoots up: Industry http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/telecom/telecom-tariffs-to-go-up-as-spectrum-price-shoots-up-industry/articleshow/46691291.cms 7 comments india
- Boy arrested after reporting a fake school shooting because he 'wanted to go home early' https://inshort.geartape.com/boy-arrested-after-reporting-a-fake-school-shooting-because-he-wanted-to-go-home-early/ 93 comments nottheonion
- Why gun control efforts should go beyond mass shootings, advocates say https://abcnews.go.com/us/gun-control-efforts-mass-shootings-advocates/story?id=77241006 58 comments politics
- Lindsey Graham Says He Could Shoot Gangs With His AR-15, Twitter Critics Go Ballistic https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lindsey-graham-gangs-natural-disaster-ar15-chris-wallace-fox_n_6060f406c5b67593e059cb5d 60 comments politics
- Apple cancels TV Plus show about two men who go on a shooting spree. There were reportedly big creative differences. https://www.theverge.com/2019/9/3/20847914/apple-tv-plus-cancel-series-richard-gere-bastards-streaming-wars-disney-hbo 55 comments apple
- David Griffin: He [Joel Embiid] doesn't have a go to move, thats why he shoots fallaways to the baseline from 17ft and then bitches that he doesn't get the ball close enough to the basket https://streamable.com/h00iw 512 comments nba
- 'This has been going on too long': Trump on Texas school shooting, 23rd in U.S. since Parkland http://www.cbc.ca/news/thenational/national-today-newsletter-belgium-melania-trump-1.4661695 19 comments politics
- The Armed Florida School Officer Didn't Go Into The Building During The Mass Shooting https://www.buzzfeed.com/salvadorhernandez/florida-school-officer?bfsplash=&utm_term=.vvdpamdkxk&#.in8lylmogk 23 comments politics
- Jokic, Gordon, and MPJ Drop 83 Points on 56% Shooting(30-54 FG) whilst also going 10/17 from 3, and Still Come Up Short https://www.nba.com/game/den-vs-min-0022400139/box-score 30 comments nba
- Brad Stevens shoots down Lakers coaching speculation: ‘I’m definitely not leaving to go to (LA)’ https://www.masslive.com/celtics/2022/04/brad-stevens-shoots-down-lakers-coaching-speculation-im-definitely-not-leaving-to-go-to-la.html 236 comments nba
- Sweden: at least 46 wolves are going to be killed because if not "Then there will be fewer moose that people can shoot." http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=493&artikel=6300101 37 comments worldnews
- California man warns of fake mass shooting at county fair so he wouldn't have to go with parents, police say https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-los-angeles-county-fair-fake-mass-shooting-tip 28 comments nottheonion
- Interesting veteran decision: Chris Paul lets Gerald Green shoot two technical free throws to get him going. CP3 is 2nd in the league in ft shooting (91.6%) and was 9/9 tonight. https://streamable.com/n8ebx 83 comments nba
- Trump on Obama's police shooting response: 'Look at the body language. There's something going on' http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/trump-obama-police-shooting-225694 114 comments politics
- "'Well I can give you one example where I would no longer support Donald Trump,' Cruz told reporters in Rockford, Illinois. 'If, for example, he were to go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, I would not be willing to support Donald Trump.'" http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/cruz-stands-pledge-unless-trump-shoots-someone-n538051 8 comments politics
- BART shooting videos go viral: Hundreds of thousands have viewed footage of the fatal shooting of Oscar Grant. While they will be used in the probe, their popularity is also troubling to some http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/01/07/mnov154p0r.dtl 2 comments reddit.com
- So that story about the satellite that is going to hit earth was a lie so the Gov. could feel justified to show China the US can shoot down a satellite too?... http://ap.google.com/article/aleqm5h7aom2ii3qvbcav8m2htjsupxpnwd8uqt26g0 7 comments politics
- FDA Official: ‘Blow Dart’ African Americans with COVID Vaccine is ‘Where We’re Going...Just Shoot Everyone’ … Calls for a ‘Nazi Germany’ Style ‘Registry’ of Unvaccinated Americans: ‘Think About It Like The Jewish Star’ https://www.projectveritas.com/news/fda-official-blow-dart-african-americans-with-covid-vaccine-is-where-were/ 103 comments goldandblack
- Trump says kids who are afraid of going back to school because of mass shootings should 'study hard' and 'maybe be president of the United States' https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-says-kids-afraid-mass-shootings-school-should-study-hard-2019-8 24 comments politics
- Motorsports photographer Andrew Hone talks to CPN writer Mark Alexander about panning shots, the demands of shooting F1 and finding a replacement for his stolen go-to lens... http://cpn.canon-europe.com/content/education/technical/andrew_hone_on_making_the_cut_in_formula_1_photography.do 3 comments formula1
- “I’m going back to the range”: Conservatives react to Oregon shooting with calls for more guns, tough guy talk http://www.salon.com/2015/10/01/ben_carson_and_right_wing_twitter_politicize_oregon_shooting_with_pro_gun_agenda_democrats_and_the_media_want_us_unarmed_and_helpless/ 72 comments politics
- Reporter's account of shooting in PA township municipal meeting: 'All I saw was holes go through the wall' http://www.poconorecord.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?aid=/20130805/news/130809867 3 comments politics
- "Nothing we are going to do is fundamentally going to alter or eliminate the possibility of another mass shooting or guarantee that we will bring gun deaths down." --- Joe Biden, February 1st, 2013 http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/02/01/biden-concedes-new-laws-wont-end-gun-massacres/ 12 comments politics
- Nash: "Dark Side of the Ring wants to do something. They want to involve me, they want to involve Sean Waltman. Cody (Hall) is going to be involved...I just don’t think that the A&E perspective is ever going to cover the post-traumatic stress of Scott and the shooting that happened at the Dollhouse” https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/dark-side-of-the-ring-wants-to-do-an-episode-on-scott-hall 76 comments squaredcircle
- Jovan Buha on Lebron's return: It’s sounding like if he does, it’s probably going to be the last week or so of the regular season...he returned to the team without the walking boot over the weekend. In between quarters, he was dribbling the ball and shooting layups...He’s already ahead of schedule" https://www.talkbasket.net/161815-lebron-james-expected-return-date-revealed 2 comments nba
- After learning a Uvalde school shooting survivor, who took rounds to the hands, arms, chest, and back, couldn’t go home bc she lived blocks from the shooter, the Correa Foundation partnered with others to build her family a new home. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/texas-sports-nation/astros/article/Carlos-Correa-Uvalde-school-shooting-house-Mayah-17390255.php 178 comments baseball
- [Josh Kendall] Full statement from Atlanta Falcons head coach Arthur Smith on Thursday regarding Uvalde school shooting: “I’m not going to get into some political rant. Part of me thinks our political process is broken. On both sides. It has been hijacked, in my opinion, by extremists. https://twitter.com/JoshTheAthletic/status/1530178035898523650 19 comments nfl
- Steve Kerr gushes over Jokic following Monday’s game: “You score 124 points, you shoot 51%, you make 17 threes you’re usually going to win…But we’re playing against the reigning MVP who probably should win it again..” https://streamable.com/7g1yzd 72 comments nba
- [Callie Caplan] Jason Kidd on Mavs shooting far fewer 3s than Rick Carlisle's offense: "We’re not just going to rely on jump shooting because that can leave you at any part of the season or in the playoffs. If that happens, you don’t have anything to fall back on, and that means an early exit." https://twitter.com/CallieCaplan/status/1445955340462329862 441 comments nba
- [Koreen] Moses Moody on Scottie Barnes: “My first time really playing against him, he did a close out. I’m shooting a 3. He had his hair going everywhere — that’s when he had his dreads and stuff. He’s coming out screaming. I missed the shot. I was like, ‘What’s wrong with this dude?’” https://theathletic.com/2820312/2021/09/17/he-gets-inspired-by-inspiring-others-toronto-raptors-rookie-scottie-barnes-is-the-gift-that-keeps-on-giving/?source=nbatw 180 comments nba
- Trump is ratcheting up the racism. Political pros say Biden should let him. 'Don't go on offense if your opponent keeps shooting in his own goal' https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/donald-trump-racism-campaign-2020-election-joe-biden-a9588361.html 320 comments politics
- [Post Game Thread] The Indiana Pacers (39-25) overcome the hot shooting Dallas Mavericks (39-26) 112-109. Pacers go 4-1 on their 5 game road trip https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/ffmu1a/post_game_thread_the_indiana_pacers_3925_overcome/ 180 comments nba
- “It should go without saying that reasonable police officers do not shoot disarmed young boys with upraised hands. But because the majority misconstrues both the factual record and our circuit precedent [...], I must respectfully dissent.” https://www.opn.ca6.uscourts.gov/opinions.pdf/20a0122n-06.pdf?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTWpjelptVTFaamRtTnpZMyIsInQiOiJVTkppVXJtdHN4RFA2NWIrTExHU3FPcllCa1JPblUyRElwMWNqOGE4dE9weFhKZEFEUk5PMGdablh4QVlQRERJSkVrXC9vQ2gzWjR3UGxmRjl4dTA4cHk2Q2FyK0Y0a0JtNEVYMDlVaENlcjh4Nm5QdjlpSjFXa2pmU2VHWjJLMWQifQ%3D%3D 27 comments law
- Cedi Osman on his workout with KD, Kawhi, and LeBron: "I was paired with KD. My shots were all going short. He was telling me 'Shoot up! Shoot up!' and I said 'I can't right now!' because I was pretty excited. Him, Bron, and Kawhi were always talking to me, so it was an unbelievable experience." https://streamable.com/l3ee0 393 comments nba
- Netanyahu invites Israeli-Arab protesters to leave Israel | Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly challenged Israeli Arabs protesting against a deadly police shooting in one of their villages to go and live under Palestinian rule in the West Bank and Gaza http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/11/10/us-mideast-israel-unrest-iduskcn0iu1mh20141110 8 comments worldnews
- Joe Biden on new gun control laws: "Nothing we’re going to do is going to fundamentally alter or eliminate the possibility of another mass shooting" http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/01/31/16794835-biden-new-gun-controls-wont-likely-end-shootings 8 comments politics
- After a shooting, a TV news station aired an interview in the neighborhood w/ a 4-yr-old who told them: "I'm going to have me a gun!" They edited out the next sentence: I'm going to be the police!" http://mije.org/health/tv-station-takes-four-year-old-childs-quote-context 5 comments reddit.com
- Live video of the crazy ass shit that's going on in Quito right now - police and military are shooting at each other outside Correa's hospital http://www.ustream.tv/channel/teleamazonasonline 274 comments worldnews