- Bill Barr Thinks America Is Going to Hell https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/29/opinion/william-barr-trump.html 84 comments politics
- Glenn Beck: 'I think Obama is from Hell,' http://blog.zap2it.com/pop2it/2011/04/glenn-beck-i-think-obama-is-from-hell-targets-youth-with-new-media.html 3 comments politics
- Former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker thinks 'we're in a hell of a mess' https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/23/former-fed-chairman-paul-volcker-thinks-were-in-a-hell-of-a-mess.html 14 comments politics
- Just What In The Damn Hell Is Kyrie Irving Thinking? http://deadspin.com/just-what-in-the-damn-hell-is-kyrie-irving-thinking-1797234691 79 comments nba
- Mr. President: ‘Just who the hell do you think you are?’ http://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/leonard-pitts-jr/article132721909.html 13 comments politics
- What the hell was NBC thinking? Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter & the legitimization of the crackpot caucus http://www.salon.com/2016/04/12/what_the_hell_was_nbc_news_thinking_glenn_beck_ann_coulter_the_legitimization_of_the_crackpot_caucus/ 6 comments politics
- I don't know what the hell this is but I think I saw it in Borderlands http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/5549/trencher4v.jpg 10 comments reddit.com
- Gore Tackles Palin, Fights Back On ClimateGate: 'What In The Hell Do They Think Is Causing It?' http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/12/09/gore-tackles-palin-fights_n_385712.html 9 comments politics
- Bill Clinton: "You Guys Who Think 9/11 Is An Inside Job Are Crazy As Hell" http://www.jonesreport.com/article/04_08/04clinton_nh.html 5 comments reddit.com
- "Who The Hell Do You Think Your Are?" Farrakhan Blast Obama For Calling For Qaddafi to Step Down (Video) http://www.hapblog.com/2011/03/who-hell-do-you-think-your-are.html 6 comments reddit.com
- 98.2% of Historians Think Bush’s Presidency was a Failure. What the hell is wrong with the other 1.2 percent? http://mentalmasturbator.com/2008/04/15/982-of-historians-think-bushs-presidency-was-a-failure/ 4 comments politics
- Trump ally Alex Jones thinks Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are literally demons from hell http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/10/10/13233338/alex-jones-trump-clinton-demon 44 comments politics
- Who thinks the GOP is dead. Hell they got Joe the Mother Fu*king Plumber advising them http://www.politico.com//news/stories/0209/18324.html 15 comments politics
- ‘Rabbi’ At Mike Pence Rally Thinks Jews Who Deny Christ Go To Hell https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/loren-jacobs-christian-rabbi-messianic-jews-mike-pence_us_5bd89b52e4b07427610c1e57 746 comments politics
- “President Bush has said that he does not need approval from the UN to wage war, and I'm thinking, well, hell, he didn't need the approval of the American voters to become president, either.” - David Letterman http://thinkexist.com/quotation/president_bush_has_said_that_he_does_not_need/343819.html 7 comments politics
- "I assume O.J. is kicking himself for not killing everyone in the room, covering himself in their DNA, and going golfing. You have to stick with what works. What the Hell was he thinking?" http://dilbertblog.typepad.com/the_dilbert_blog/2007/09/freshly-squeeze.html 5 comments reddit.com
- [Ryan Wolstat] KP is 21 and very good already. How the hell do you say "future" when pre-justifying why you'd think about trading him. https://twitter.com/wolstatsun/status/877701112085786624 14 comments nba
- Someone in North Korea is mad 21 is promoting payment channels. What the hell do they think core's lightning is? https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/48l7mw/nice_product_placement_21/ 13 comments btc
- Anyone ever use this stuff? I was thinking that a few packages put in weird places like public pools or toilets would be funny as hell. http://www.thinkgeek.com/geek-kids/3-7-years/e6d1/ 6 comments reddit.com
- So a bunch of drunken uniformed cops are raising hell. Off-duty cop goes over to warn them that some citizens are taping them. What do you think the party-cops do? http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/05/12/1048563/nfta-officer-allegedly-sucker.html 87 comments reddit.com
- So that missing guy in Thailand, left Thailand on wednesday. No updates about what the hell happened... I think with all the effort everyone put into this the public should hear some sort of an explanation. http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/article/20090731/news02/907310306/missing+auburn+student+leaves+thailand 5 comments reddit.com
- Neocons urging Bush to invade Pakistan to "seize" their nuclear arsenal. What they hell are these people thinking? http://www.guardian.co.uk/iraq/story/0,,2220127,00.html 94 comments politics
- [Petriello] Max Kepler had such a quietly good year last year. I think people will assume it's because of the shift ban and maybe that helped a little, but I think it's also a little more about the "I am going to hit the hell out of the ball in the air and if I whiff a little more, so be it" https://x.com/mike_petriello/status/1742610435243663844?s=46&t=sFQ1esZ2sOxJBCUP0CZX3g 27 comments baseball
- Lacy Evans on Sgt. Slaughter Family’ hatred towards her gimmick: “I think they are frickin weak. No disrespect to like Hall of Famers in WWE that have paved the way. He can kiss my a$$ and his daughter can too. So record that. Have a good day. I don’t know where the hell that came from.... https://wrestlingmaniafan.in/lacy-evans-comments-on-sgt-slaughter-family-hatred-towards-her-gimmick/ 170 comments squaredcircle
- [James Alexander] I think this whole Nets experiment is the PERFECT example of why what Coach Spo did in the big 3 era is incredibly impressive and can’t just be written off as “he had LeBron.” Coaching superstars is hard as hell. Spo is an all time great coach. https://mobile.twitter.com/ScriptsByJames/status/1518048836664528896?cxt=HHwWgMCs0ffXmJEqAAAA 1209 comments nba
- Joakim Noah on D-Rose's injury: “We had the best record… Then, he tore his ACL. I think everyone remembers where they were, what they were doing when that shit happens. I didn’t even think much of it. I thought, ‘okay, he’ll miss a couple of games & he’ll be back.’ But, it was depressing as hell.” https://www.theplayerstribune.com/posts/joakim-noah-nba-basketball-knuckleheads-podcast 92 comments nba
- Coronavirus is so Big these days. However, Trump still decides to cut the Budget for the Disease Control and Prevention Center, The main manager for Fighting infectious diseases. Does not know what the hell's he's thinking. Maybe the virus might disappear by itself. Much Possibility. Very Possible. https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/02/amid-coronavirus-outbreak-trump-proposes-slashing-cdc-budget/ 17 comments politics
- Skinwalker Ranch, Utah, United States of America: "Inside shot of Homestead 2, spent many of nights alone, observing and thinking to myself 'what the hell am I doing'," writes photographer Chris Bartel on 28 November 2019. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EKdIktEXUAEPFDJ.jpg?name=orig 4 comments aliens
- What the hell happened to the NBA Digitized Game Archive project that was supposed to allow us to watch old greats like Bill Russell, Wilt, etc in legit ultra HD quality? Do you think Adam Silver abandoned it? https://www.blazersedge.com/2014/6/6/5784050/online-archiving-how-the-nba-strives-to-make-sure-no-finals-are 28 comments nba
- Chuck: Vice President Pence needs to shut the hell up. All American companies are doing business in China. I think it’s unfair for them to do all their business in China & just because this thing happens try to make the NBA & our players look bad. All American companies do business in China, Period https://sports.yahoo.com/charles-barkley-mike-pence-needs-to-shut-the-hell-up-on-nba-china-005426523.html 77 comments nba
- How Russia contaminated $2.7 billion of oil exports to Europe | It was a quiet Easter holiday at the offices of major European oil companies and refiners when an email in Russian landed. “What the hell does it say?” one manager recalled thinking as he sent it to his Moscow office for translation. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-oil-insight-iduskcn1s61ym 10 comments europe
- 1990: "I think it would be very cool if the NHL adopted the shoot-off. There's nothing worse than paying big $$$'s to go to a game and it ends in a tie. Hell, that's like kissin' you sister. The shoot-off is very exciting. Agreement?" and other gems from online message boards from the 90s https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/8wr02g/1990_i_think_it_would_be_very_cool_if_the_nhl/ 332 comments hockey
- Thinking of Putting Part of Wedding/ Honey Moon on credit Card?? Want PFs opinions (Read info before the automatic HELL NO answer!) https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/6qx47d/thinking_of_putting_part_of_wedding_honey_moon_on/ 34 comments personalfinance
- Donald Trump predicts riots in Germany. "You see all these young, strong people and they are mostly men and I say what's going on. I don't know what the hell Merkel is thinking" http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/01/12/trump_germans_are_going_to_riot_overthrow_merkel_syrian_migrants_could_be_trojan_horse.html 3 comments europe
- I've decided to change my app from fixed pricing to a Pay-What-You-Want scheme. It's an experiment, I think it's interesting one (also a gamble), and to be honest I'm antsy as hell about it. http://blog.servus.io/post/2013-05-29-user-generated-pricing 15 comments apple
- Who the hell does Netanyahu think he is? Clearly angry with Obama's refusal for a meeting, he went on tv and publicly attacked Washington's stands on Iran. As an American I see this as a blatant attempt at influencing American politics and Foreign policy just months before the election. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18563_162-57510887/netanyahu-signals-a-coming-end-to-patience-on-iran/ 4 comments politics
- The killing of Saudi ambassador in the US would have ensured the Middle East went up in flames. Former CIA agent Robert Baer thinks: "This stinks to holy hell. The Quds Force are very good. They don't sit down with people they don't know and make a plot..." http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/11/alleged-iran-plot-middle-east-war 204 comments worldnews
- Crazy Tattoos That Seems Awfully Wrong.Oddee has a series of crazy tattoos that would probably make someone ponder what the hell they were thinking of when they tried getting those tattoos in the first place. http://www.timeidol.com/crazy-tattoos-wrong/ 3 comments reddit.com
- SURPRISE! AP poll shows majority of Americans think the best way to end the recession is to get the hell out of Iraq and spend more on domestic programs. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23073316/? 3 comments reddit.com
- "Come the 2008 debates, “I co-sponsored a bill to legalize gay marriage” or “I voted to force the president to choose between funding the troops or continuing without an exit strategy” will sound a hell of a lot better than “I wanted to support that bill, but I didn’t think it would pass.”" http://hanlonsrazor.wordpress.com/2007/08/11/the-collapse-of-my-faith-in-democratic-leadership/ 4 comments reddit.com