Hacker News
- Google has started a video series on machine learning and I can understand it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKxRvEZd3Mw 35 comments
- Choosing a First Machine Learning Project: Start by Reading or by Doing? http://blog.smellthedata.com/2010/07/choosing-first-machine-learning-project.html 6 comments
- The Pentagon’s New Algorithmic Warfare Cell Gets Its First Mission: Hunt ISIS - Turning hours of drone video into actionable intelligence is just the start for the fast-moving machine-learning team. http://www.defenseone.com/technology/2017/05/pentagons-new-algorithmic-warfare-cell-gets-its-first-mission-hunt-isis/137833/ 4 comments technology
- Former HCL CEO Anant Gupta launches Rs100 crore tech fund. TECHCELX to invest in start-ups focused on digital technologies such as machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and analytics http://www.livemint.com/companies/i9rh3lrlan5cy40fm8e1km/hcl-tech-appoints-c-vijayakumar-as-ceo-after-anant-gupta-le.html 6 comments india
- A small guide to help you install Scikit-Learn and Get started with Machine Learning on Linux https://techarena51.com/index.php/getting-started-machine-learning-linux-python-3-scikit-learn/?utm_source=r-linux 3 comments linux
- Here’s the Answer on How to Start Machine Learning With Swift for Apple Devices https://laconicml.com/machine-learning-swift-apple-devices/ 14 comments apple
- Here’s the Answer on How to Start Machine Learning With Swift for Apple Devices https://laconicml.com/machine-learning-swift-apple-devices/ 4 comments swift
- The Title Machine Learning Engineer Will Start to Disappear https://www.informationweek.com/strategic-cio/team-building-and-staffing/the-title-machine-learning-engineer-will-start-to-disappear/a/d-id/1333816 4 comments artificial
- Where do I start with machine learning? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/8vb8q1/where_do_i_start_with_machine_learning/ 7 comments learnprogramming
- How can I start machine learning and AI? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/6rdgaq/how_can_i_start_machine_learning_and_ai/ 4 comments learnprogramming
- Getting started with machine learning https://www.reddit.com/r/compsci/comments/6pfwrg/getting_started_with_machine_learning/ 16 comments compsci
- Getting Started with Machine Learning http://thunderboltlabs.com/blog/2013/11/09/getting-started-with-machine-learning/ 4 comments compsci
- Microsoft Has Started Using Machine Learning In Their Windows 10 Update System https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-starts-autoupdating-windows-10-2004-to-windows-10-21h1/ 9 comments technology
- Your complete learning path to start a career in machine learning. https://www.kdnuggets.com/2020/05/beginners-learning-path-machine-learning.html 3 comments learnmachinelearning
- Starting with machine learning in JavaScript - some good, quality tutorials? https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/aca63g/starting_with_machine_learning_in_javascript_some/ 3 comments javascript
- Getting started with Machine Learning on linux https://techarena51.com/blog/getting-started-machine-learning-linux-python-3-scikit-learn/?utm_source=r-linux&utm_medium=linux 9 comments linux
- Finance / Accounting Background Looking to Get Started In Machine Learning https://www.reddit.com/r/artificial/comments/78kby2/finance_accounting_background_looking_to_get/ 17 comments artificial
- I have created a repo for people who wanted to get started in Machine learning. https://github.com/abhisheksinhacoder/complete-ml-coursework 4 comments rstats
- Cat, dog, or Elon Musk? - Getting started with machine learning with Python and TensorFlow 2.0. Super easy intro into a fairly complex topic. What do you think about the article? https://towardsdatascience.com/cat-dog-or-elon-musk-145658489730 5 comments learnmachinelearning
- Machine Learning (Get started with Python Programming) https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/cfxxcd/machine_learning_get_started_with_python/ 39 comments learnprogramming
- Want to master Machine Learning? Start by building these projects https://medium.com/technomancy/the-secret-to-mastering-ml-9e328d5f06a 7 comments learnmachinelearning
- [Blog Post] Things I wish we had known before we started our first Machine Learning project https://medium.com/@asmbansal2/things-we-wish-we-had-known-before-we-started-our-first-machine-learning-project-336d1d6f2184 3 comments learnmachinelearning
- Google has started a new video series teaching machine learning and I can actually understand it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKxRvEZd3Mw 380 comments programming
- Deep Learning Vs Machine Learning as a start (Siraj Raval) https://youtu.be/ad7SUyN5V7A?t=3m30s 22 comments learnmachinelearning
- How to create a Machine Learning Model in Vue Js to start using Machine Learning in your Vue Js project https://youtu.be/vmAZVer2fBo 5 comments vuejs
- ESChamp ProBots - a tournament for Scripted and Machine Learning Starcraft2 bots - starts in 2 hours. https://www.twitch.tv/eschamp/ 3 comments programming
- Is anyone signing up for this section of Stanford's machine learning course that starts today? https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning# 11 comments learnprogramming
- Coursera.org Machine Learning class by Andrew Ng (Stanford) starting up again October 14th! https://www.coursera.org/course/ml 6 comments statistics
- Calling for volunteers to help create a r/MMA fighters and judges ranking system. Looking experience in data scraping and machine learning to start. Details inside. https://form.jotform.com/230856926760162 44 comments mma
- (x-post /r/learnprogramming) Experienced programmer interested in Machine Learning. Where do you recommend I get started? I'm considering Udacity. https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/4vk1ap/xpost_rlearnprogramming_experienced_programmer/ 5 comments cscareerquestions
- The Machines Are Learning, and So Are the Students - Artificial intelligence is starting to take over repetitive tasks in classrooms, like grading, and is optimizing coursework and revolutionizing the preparation for college entrance exams. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/18/education/artificial-intelligence-tutors-teachers.html 7 comments technology
- GoLand 2021.1 EAP starts with: paste JSON as Go code, Rename Refactoring for modules, and Machine Learning based Code Completion. Join the EAP and help us shape the future! https://blog.jetbrains.com/go/2021/01/29/goland-2021-1-eap-begins/ 4 comments golang
- Hello I am looking for buddies who are starting their machine learning studies or have se background. We will start from basics and after some time we will try to develop or go for one project a week. Starting from simple projects . https://discord.gg/u5JJ5pF 49 comments learnmachinelearning
- AMA: We are IBM researchers, scientists and developers working on data science, machine learning and AI. Start asking your questions now and we'll answer them on Tuesday the 4th of June at 1-3 PM ET / 5-7 PM UTC https://www.reddit.com/r/artificial/comments/bvbgw9/ama_we_are_ibm_researchers_scientists_and/ 109 comments artificial
- This is very good to learn machine learning models implementation. It covers a whole lot of ML topics and is best starting point for ML journey. I would highly recommend. http://www.udemy.cc/machinelearning 7 comments learnmachinelearning
- [Decalspotters] Amazon Web Services will be the Title Partner of the CanadianGP in 2022, with F1 returning to Montreal for the first time since 2019. @F1 started using @awscloud back in 2018 as their Official Cloud and Machine Learning Provider. https://twitter.com/decalspotters/status/1532004971859804163 44 comments formula1
- MIT Researchers Just Discovered an AI Mimicking the Brain on Its Own. A new study claims machine learning is starting to look a lot like human cognition. https://interestingengineering.com/ai-mimicking-the-brain-on-its-own 1143 comments futurology
- Intelligent machines are now searching for intelligent aliens. A small team of SETI researchers is starting to use machine learning to search for alien messages we might already be receiving, but humans aren’t able to recognize. https://www.supercluster.com/editorial/can-intelligent-machines-find-intelligent-aliens 11 comments technology
- "Apple needs to stop making signature, iconic machines aimed more for the Smithsonian Institute than for actual production uses and start learning their core pro markets and tailor the next pro desktop design to around those needs." http://architosh.com/2016/06/if-jobs-failed-twice-why-would-ives-team-succeed-rip-new-mac-pro/ 110 comments apple
- Realistic robots are starting to talk more like humans - Researchers have created a new robotic mouth system that uses machine learning and a novel mechanism modeled after human cheek muscles to better synchronize speech and mouth movements in realistic, human-like robots. https://academictimes.com/realistic-robots-are-starting-to-talk-more-like-humans/ 2 comments science